jueves, 25 de junio de 2009

My Ideal Job

- What your ideal job would be?

My ideal job would be basketball coach or coach of any sport where the players use balls, for example, as already mentioned; it could be about basketball, football, tennis, among others. But my dream, forever and ever will be a coach in a basketball team in another country.

- What qualities and skills you would need to do this job?

· I think that the qualities and skills that I need are:
· know about physical activity
· be in shape
· know the rules of sport
· be empathic with the players
· have time for this
And the most importantly is: love a lot the sport that I have decided to direct

- Why you would be good at this job?

First I must say that I know that I’ll be good for this job, because I love this sport more than anything. It is also important to consider that, for be a good coach, besides of love the game we must also know about the game ... and I’m playing basketball since 2000 so, I know a lot about it, I know all the rules, I know how to play and I know how to do cheat (lol).

- How difficult it would be to find this kind of job?

It's very hard because the basketball in Chile is not well developed, and there is not a lot of money for national coaches.

jueves, 18 de junio de 2009

My blogging experience

Well, today I’m going to write about my blogging experience; for this I’m going to answer some question from the blog of the teacher:

Did you enjoy it? Why? Why not?

The most times that I did the blog, I enjoy it a lot because it had many interesting topics to write. But in other occasions, it was very boring. For example, the last blog session; the Ken Robinson’s speech about "Do Schools Kill Creatrivity", it was TOO boring. In fact, even if I agree with most of his speech, I didn’t like to hear him. Otherwise, I did not enjoy very much, the fact that the topics were very rigid and we haven’t the freedom to write what we wanted. As a suggestion for a future opportunity, perhaps some topics could refer to things more general, as news of the moment, sports or TV programs. But it is only that. The rest was ok.

Did it help you improve your English?

I believe that do it every week, this thing about the blog, helps me, in some way, to improve my writing English. Maybe, if this was more dynamic and entertaining help further. But, in my personal opinion, for improve my English it was more beneficial went to class and did the oral presentation. Because in class the miss teach us a lot of vocabulary and in the oral presentation we could choose the topic, related with our carrier. And that is what motivates me more.

Give your opinion of the advantages and disadvantages of blogging in the English class.

Some advantages are:
* the opportunity to write a lot in English
* the opportunity to learn or improve the grammar
* the opportunity to listen a speech in English
* the chance to learn this things about the blogs (new experience for me xD)

Some disadvantages are:
*sometimes, to write the work, the inspiration doesn’t come
* some occasions it’s very boring
* the schedule is too late
* we only practice the writing English

domingo, 14 de junio de 2009

Schools Kill Creativity

I agree with most of Ken Robinson’s speech. He says many things that I never thought about. For example, he argues that the whole purpose of public education –around the world- is to produce university professors Indeed, he says that according to UNESCO, in the next 30 years, more people will graduate from higher education that since the beginning of History. Amazing, if you ask me.

Also, Robinson points out that public education limits human capacities by establishing a hierarchy of subjects, at the bottom of the hierarchy are the Arts, whereas mathematics and languages are at the top. What is the result of this? A public education that pushes people out of their creative capacities. In my own words –and following his argument, the result is a world full of professionals walking the endless road of specialization and expertise. A world where people are afraid to be wrong, because they have been taught to be so.

Finally, according to Robinson, it’s necessary to educate the whole being of children and let them develop all their capavilities, with no restrictive hierarchy. We must use human creativity and imagination wisely, and rethink our vision of intelligence. Thereby we’ll be creating people with a huge creative capacity, and people will be the architects of a new world, with a new conception of human ecology: That is our only hope for the future, as Robinson believes.

viernes, 5 de junio de 2009

my favourite subject

This semester my favourite subject is FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGY. This forensic psychologists working in the courts, juvenile homes, prisons, among others. This area is closely related to the laws. The teacher’s name is Carolina Villagra. She is a very young teacher, but very good teaching. Her subject is really exciting, but the schedule is not very favorable because is too early and sometimes my classmates dont come to class.
I like this subject a lot because the area is very interesting and is closely related to the national context and what is living the country. Besides once we went to see a court case and there I learned a lot about the work of these psychologists.

What have I learnt this semester? ... wondered a bit complex because i’ve learned very much. For example i learned about junkies (drug addict), juvenile delinquency, tort theories and the most important; the teacher teach us about the reform of criminal procedure.