viernes, 22 de mayo de 2009

in the future

In 5 years I would like have a definitive and stable work as psychologist. Maybe, I will think about starting a family ... I don’t know yet; I think it too soon for that xD.

Obviously continue playing basketball for the Club Universidad de Chile, if this in not possibly, the idea is find another team where I can continue playing the sport that I love.
In a more intimate context, one of the most recurrent thoughts that I have, regarding my future, is meet the most important personal goals (I'm not going to tell that in this blog) ...
For this goal, I’m not need much time, just I need be patient. This target becomes more feasible with the support of my family.

At first, the idea is to continue living at home with my family, but when I have a stable economic situation, with my sister always have thought about living together in a department (our own bachelorette’s department xD ). The commune where we live is too nice, so if we could find an apartment in the same commune, it would be perfect.

Finally, I don’t like think in an ideal future. I’m happy with my present and, I’m sure that I will be happy in my future

jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009


In my personal opinion, the best character in my field is the great Sigmund Freud; he was born on 6 May of 1856 and died on 23 September of 1939. He was an Austrian psychiatrist and doctor who founded the Psychoanalytic School of psychology.

Freud is best known for his theories of the unconscious mind and the defense mechanism of repression and for creating the clinical practice of psychoanalysis for curing psychopathology through dialogue between a patient and a psychoanalyst.

Freud is also renowned for his redefinition of sexual desire as the primary motivational energy of human life, and the interpretation of dreams as sources of insight into unconscious desires, among others.

I know that many colleagues hate him, and hate his theories and approaches because he based that everything disorders are on the unconscious, but I don’t care what they think or say... I like his way of thinking, maybe not completely, but I’m share that the majority of the disorders are based on the unconscious.

What makes him the best? --> He made that psychology was a science, do you need anything else?

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2009

my career

When I was in 3rd grade I want to study computer engineering because I love math and computing, but in 4th grade I met the school’s psychologist and talking with her, I realized that I loved the career, it was I always wanted … I was identified whit her work.

What do professionals in your area contribute to society? This is a very complicated questions, because the psychologists do too much; by people, by the community, by the organizations (according to my point of view). But I think the most important contribution is to help people who have emotional, cognitive, psychological problems, etc.

I suppose the tools that we need as professionals are:
* have a lot of empathy
* have a good professional training
* have a lot of knowledge
* get along well whit patients
* among others

My favourite subject always it’s changing according the semester.
In my 1st year, I loved the class with the teacher Wilson (general psychology and psychological processes). In 2nd year I loved the class with the teacher Rossi (psychopathology and psychiatry).
And now in my 3rd year I REALLY LOVED FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGY and obviously I like a lot ENGLISH :)

When I finish my studies I like to obtain a Masters in sports psychology. THAT’S MY BIG DREAM