jueves, 29 de octubre de 2009


I've always been a person of few friends. It's hard for me to trust in other people. But I have a best friend. She is my younger sister, Tamara. She is always there when I need her, and she knows I'll always be there when she needs me too. She is younger than me by two years; she is three inches shorter than me and has very long blonde hair.

When we were little, we hated each other, we always fought for everything and we hit a few slaps. But when we finished school, we went fairly close due to separation from our parents. She is and always will be my best friend. It's like my diary

As I said before, I'm not a person with a lot of buddies, but that doesn’t mean it is something difficult for make friends. In fact, I am a very sociable person. But always put a limit to people trying to enter my life.

The characteristic that should have a friend, I think, are those who must have good people in the world: Be honest, sincere, empathetic, altruistic, and so on. These are the things that I value in a friend, but above all the sincerity and honesty. It infuriates me the lie, and if someone thinks it better not be my friend.

Actually, I've always tried to be a good friend, obviously, nobody's perfect, but I like the values that my friends must have. I think it is consequently not keep in touch with my childhood friends. We are different now, new world, and perhaps they do not like my way or I do not like theirs.

And of course, I have “on line friends”, but “friends friends” like true friends, no!
I think that is not possible for internet. I’m a very suspicious person.

But with mi BFF (best friend forever), my sister Tamara, I need no more :)

jueves, 15 de octubre de 2009

Suicide surge isn't on Wall Street

This story tells us the truth of the increase in suicides in the U.S. Most people believed that this increase took place on Wall Street.

But really, with recent studies, the Yankees have been able to realize that this is not true. And indeed the suicide rate has increased in the lower classes or as we are known in Chile, "working class". This is, perhaps they are more affected by the threat of unemployment. For example in the last year the number of suicides increased from 5 to 15 among housekeeping workers and 13 to 24 among transport workers.

The increase in suicides in general has increased this year, reached worrying figures, where the number of people who committed suicide at work increased by 28% to an all time high of 251 last year.

Returning to the belief that greater numbers of suicides were made on Wall Street, the statistics in U.S. continue to show the opposite: The number of people in "Management occupations" who killed themselves fell from 35 cases (2007) 34 cases (2008).

The article at the end tells us that the wounds by firearms suicides accounted for 130 of the U.S. work, plus 78-strangulation, 18 cases of poisoning and 3 cuts..

The link of my piece of news is:

jueves, 8 de octubre de 2009


When I was little I had a cat named "Mijo" ... he was our favorite and my sister and I took care of him always that he need. But one day “Mijo" had a fight with a stray cat and “Mijo” lost one eye and he died. After that I decided never to have pets again, but that changed when my aunt, who lives in the house next door, adopted one cat (a female cat) and then she give birth 4 cats more. Then she adopted two cats from the street. Now these seven cats practically live in my house.

I have not problem with cats, but seven cats!!! I think it is too much. It's so stressful to get to my room and they are there, messing around, eating my lunch and leaving "gifts" from all sides.

Personally I think it is not necessary to have pets, I think it is a "waste of time." But of course respect people who like to have them. While they take good care of animals and this animals do not suffer… this all ok. For the same reason I get upset about the fact that pets were left abandoned there in Chaiten. I find people trying their animals are inconsiderate. Anyway, I do not care to adopt an animal on the street ... I think they should be more places for animals that are abandoned.

With regard to the question “Is it important for children to take care of a pet?” I think that for some children that are most useful way to learn to be responsible. But everything depends on the teaching that has given their parents.