viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2009

My experience studying English at university

Learning English has always been one of my goals, since childhood. A language I find it very interesting, useful and practical for my future aspirations. Not for nothing is the international language we all speak and we should talk.

It is for this reason that when I finished school enters a school to improve my knowledge. I spent a whole year in that school, but then I had to leave because they enter college. The first year of college English courses had not, so my language learning period looked stalled for lack of time and opportunities. But by the second year of my career, we reported that impart compulsory English courses. The fact that they were required was not a problem for me because it's true that I really like the language.

We took a test at the beginning of that year so we know which level (there are levels I through IV). Actually I found that the test was complicated, the downside was that I ran out of time to respond. Anyway, the result was not bad. Left in level II, so the course would begin in August 2008.

At the beginning of level II, found that it was very easy, it must be because they still had some prior knowledge. But over time I realized that I knew so much, and it was complicating the course, although I must admit that the teacher was very unfair to the notes. But nevertheless I passed the course with an acceptable note. But I really liked it.

Even in first half of 2009 I studied English III and has been the best English course I did. Professor Laura Castillo, was a well motivated, enthusiastic and committed to their students. She managed the whole course was always attentive and happy to go to class.

In late 2009, I had to attend English IV, but I must admit I took it out of obligation since, on issues of time was not going to take another year.

As a conclusion could be said that English courses serve as the foundation for learning the language. But just that, not as you think the rest of the teachers who give us an advanced English papers, which do not possess and the university does not give us the opportunity to learn.

jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2009

Faculty of Social Sciences

In the Faculty of Social Sciences, there are a lot of students, but very little infrastructure. There are about 2500 students, and only one library with nine computers and ten tables of study. Something unusual if we believe that our university is the best of the country.

Obviously we must improve the library, classrooms and the canteen (because is too small). Look, the canteen in a normal day, its impossible lunch in peace, when you have to wait for tables to become vacant.

Something good happened this year in our university; in the faculty was implementing an improved computer room, where now "almost" everybody can use computers without having to fight for one.

About sports, very interesting topic for me, I can say a lot of things that I believe could assist their improvement. For example, the basketball courts are made of cement, something, which is very dangerous if we consider that basketball is a physical contact sport.

I think the improvements are available to us, as students and as an institution. The only thing we need is better management of economic resources which have, thus we could improve what was mentioned above; the canteen, library, computer room and open spaces for sports.

But despite all this, I really like my faculty

jueves, 29 de octubre de 2009


I've always been a person of few friends. It's hard for me to trust in other people. But I have a best friend. She is my younger sister, Tamara. She is always there when I need her, and she knows I'll always be there when she needs me too. She is younger than me by two years; she is three inches shorter than me and has very long blonde hair.

When we were little, we hated each other, we always fought for everything and we hit a few slaps. But when we finished school, we went fairly close due to separation from our parents. She is and always will be my best friend. It's like my diary

As I said before, I'm not a person with a lot of buddies, but that doesn’t mean it is something difficult for make friends. In fact, I am a very sociable person. But always put a limit to people trying to enter my life.

The characteristic that should have a friend, I think, are those who must have good people in the world: Be honest, sincere, empathetic, altruistic, and so on. These are the things that I value in a friend, but above all the sincerity and honesty. It infuriates me the lie, and if someone thinks it better not be my friend.

Actually, I've always tried to be a good friend, obviously, nobody's perfect, but I like the values that my friends must have. I think it is consequently not keep in touch with my childhood friends. We are different now, new world, and perhaps they do not like my way or I do not like theirs.

And of course, I have “on line friends”, but “friends friends” like true friends, no!
I think that is not possible for internet. I’m a very suspicious person.

But with mi BFF (best friend forever), my sister Tamara, I need no more :)

jueves, 15 de octubre de 2009

Suicide surge isn't on Wall Street

This story tells us the truth of the increase in suicides in the U.S. Most people believed that this increase took place on Wall Street.

But really, with recent studies, the Yankees have been able to realize that this is not true. And indeed the suicide rate has increased in the lower classes or as we are known in Chile, "working class". This is, perhaps they are more affected by the threat of unemployment. For example in the last year the number of suicides increased from 5 to 15 among housekeeping workers and 13 to 24 among transport workers.

The increase in suicides in general has increased this year, reached worrying figures, where the number of people who committed suicide at work increased by 28% to an all time high of 251 last year.

Returning to the belief that greater numbers of suicides were made on Wall Street, the statistics in U.S. continue to show the opposite: The number of people in "Management occupations" who killed themselves fell from 35 cases (2007) 34 cases (2008).

The article at the end tells us that the wounds by firearms suicides accounted for 130 of the U.S. work, plus 78-strangulation, 18 cases of poisoning and 3 cuts..

The link of my piece of news is:

jueves, 8 de octubre de 2009


When I was little I had a cat named "Mijo" ... he was our favorite and my sister and I took care of him always that he need. But one day “Mijo" had a fight with a stray cat and “Mijo” lost one eye and he died. After that I decided never to have pets again, but that changed when my aunt, who lives in the house next door, adopted one cat (a female cat) and then she give birth 4 cats more. Then she adopted two cats from the street. Now these seven cats practically live in my house.

I have not problem with cats, but seven cats!!! I think it is too much. It's so stressful to get to my room and they are there, messing around, eating my lunch and leaving "gifts" from all sides.

Personally I think it is not necessary to have pets, I think it is a "waste of time." But of course respect people who like to have them. While they take good care of animals and this animals do not suffer… this all ok. For the same reason I get upset about the fact that pets were left abandoned there in Chaiten. I find people trying their animals are inconsiderate. Anyway, I do not care to adopt an animal on the street ... I think they should be more places for animals that are abandoned.

With regard to the question “Is it important for children to take care of a pet?” I think that for some children that are most useful way to learn to be responsible. But everything depends on the teaching that has given their parents.

jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2009


Actually I like every kind of music. My sister says that I am a melomaniac; this means that I’m fanatic for the music. That’s not so true, because, for example I don’t like techno. But I like everything else. Certainly the music that I love is RAP, especially Spanish rap. One day in 2005 my sister and her best friend came home talking about a Spanish rapper. Days passed and they still talking about him. So I decided to listen to him, and I really liked it. I loved the lyrics of his songs, and even today I still do. His real name is Christian, but all know him as PORTA.

A while after, Porta stopped singing new songs, and I was very disappointed, so I looked for other rappers Spanish and found one called Serpy. He sings the same type of music that Porta, but both are different. It is very difficult to explain to someone who does not about rap.

But something wonderful happened. On August 1st, Porta came to a concert here in Chile. And obviously, my sister, her friend and I were the first to buy the tickets. It was amazing. And he sang my favorite song call “Are Things in Life” (Son Cosas De La Vida, in Spanish).

Now I’m listening to both singers, but obviously, Porta will always be my favorite

jueves, 27 de agosto de 2009

A country I would like to visit

Actually, I’ve never answers that question….. Because, my biggest dream is visit all the word. But, the first place that comes to my mind is Spain… is funny … I love their accent. I think is very sexy. Besides, I believe that in Spain, people like me have many more opportunities. For example, basketball is better there, like most sports.

Once there, I have always wanted to go a football game, I don’t know, maybe Real Madrid against Barça …. I would also like visit some relatives who live there. Many years have passed since the last time I saw them. Maybe I stay at their house, thereby save money to spend on other things

Some times, especially this semester I’ve been thinking about going abroad to study. And what better to go to Spain, mainly because they speak Spanish (lol). I mean it… that's the biggest reason to go to study there. Moreover, go out to study give me the chance to obtain bonus to my academic curriculum.
But most importantly I like to travel, no matter where in the world, always accompanied by my family.

jueves, 13 de agosto de 2009

Last term

My experiences last semester it was really exciting. Some months ago my life changes a lot, because I finally grew up.

In relation to the university, I’m really happy and proud of me, because I past all my subjects with very nice notes. But that means a lot of problems and discussion with my classmates who worked with. I think that this was the most important challenge I had to face. Fortunately, today, that it’s a problem solved.

I really loved last term, because for the first time in my career, I feel that I really learned something important. For example in clinical psychology I learned what I have to do, or not, if the mass media published a news about suicide. Also in forensic psychology, I learned how to deal with a patient in case of violation. And many others important things like this.

Actually, I don’t have much free time, because I play basketball representing the university, as an obligation. But, I don’t mind, because I really love that game. So, when I’m not studying (or sleeping) I’m in the field practicing. I have practices 4 days a week and 2 more when we have match. Now I think, maybe these are the most important challenges I had to face: find time for university and basketball.

About my family…. They are perfect, I could say nothing bad. They always support me, especially my little sister. I love them, even more that basketball.

jueves, 25 de junio de 2009

My Ideal Job

- What your ideal job would be?

My ideal job would be basketball coach or coach of any sport where the players use balls, for example, as already mentioned; it could be about basketball, football, tennis, among others. But my dream, forever and ever will be a coach in a basketball team in another country.

- What qualities and skills you would need to do this job?

· I think that the qualities and skills that I need are:
· know about physical activity
· be in shape
· know the rules of sport
· be empathic with the players
· have time for this
And the most importantly is: love a lot the sport that I have decided to direct

- Why you would be good at this job?

First I must say that I know that I’ll be good for this job, because I love this sport more than anything. It is also important to consider that, for be a good coach, besides of love the game we must also know about the game ... and I’m playing basketball since 2000 so, I know a lot about it, I know all the rules, I know how to play and I know how to do cheat (lol).

- How difficult it would be to find this kind of job?

It's very hard because the basketball in Chile is not well developed, and there is not a lot of money for national coaches.

jueves, 18 de junio de 2009

My blogging experience

Well, today I’m going to write about my blogging experience; for this I’m going to answer some question from the blog of the teacher:

Did you enjoy it? Why? Why not?

The most times that I did the blog, I enjoy it a lot because it had many interesting topics to write. But in other occasions, it was very boring. For example, the last blog session; the Ken Robinson’s speech about "Do Schools Kill Creatrivity", it was TOO boring. In fact, even if I agree with most of his speech, I didn’t like to hear him. Otherwise, I did not enjoy very much, the fact that the topics were very rigid and we haven’t the freedom to write what we wanted. As a suggestion for a future opportunity, perhaps some topics could refer to things more general, as news of the moment, sports or TV programs. But it is only that. The rest was ok.

Did it help you improve your English?

I believe that do it every week, this thing about the blog, helps me, in some way, to improve my writing English. Maybe, if this was more dynamic and entertaining help further. But, in my personal opinion, for improve my English it was more beneficial went to class and did the oral presentation. Because in class the miss teach us a lot of vocabulary and in the oral presentation we could choose the topic, related with our carrier. And that is what motivates me more.

Give your opinion of the advantages and disadvantages of blogging in the English class.

Some advantages are:
* the opportunity to write a lot in English
* the opportunity to learn or improve the grammar
* the opportunity to listen a speech in English
* the chance to learn this things about the blogs (new experience for me xD)

Some disadvantages are:
*sometimes, to write the work, the inspiration doesn’t come
* some occasions it’s very boring
* the schedule is too late
* we only practice the writing English

domingo, 14 de junio de 2009

Schools Kill Creativity

I agree with most of Ken Robinson’s speech. He says many things that I never thought about. For example, he argues that the whole purpose of public education –around the world- is to produce university professors Indeed, he says that according to UNESCO, in the next 30 years, more people will graduate from higher education that since the beginning of History. Amazing, if you ask me.

Also, Robinson points out that public education limits human capacities by establishing a hierarchy of subjects, at the bottom of the hierarchy are the Arts, whereas mathematics and languages are at the top. What is the result of this? A public education that pushes people out of their creative capacities. In my own words –and following his argument, the result is a world full of professionals walking the endless road of specialization and expertise. A world where people are afraid to be wrong, because they have been taught to be so.

Finally, according to Robinson, it’s necessary to educate the whole being of children and let them develop all their capavilities, with no restrictive hierarchy. We must use human creativity and imagination wisely, and rethink our vision of intelligence. Thereby we’ll be creating people with a huge creative capacity, and people will be the architects of a new world, with a new conception of human ecology: That is our only hope for the future, as Robinson believes.

viernes, 5 de junio de 2009

my favourite subject

This semester my favourite subject is FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGY. This forensic psychologists working in the courts, juvenile homes, prisons, among others. This area is closely related to the laws. The teacher’s name is Carolina Villagra. She is a very young teacher, but very good teaching. Her subject is really exciting, but the schedule is not very favorable because is too early and sometimes my classmates dont come to class.
I like this subject a lot because the area is very interesting and is closely related to the national context and what is living the country. Besides once we went to see a court case and there I learned a lot about the work of these psychologists.

What have I learnt this semester? ... wondered a bit complex because i’ve learned very much. For example i learned about junkies (drug addict), juvenile delinquency, tort theories and the most important; the teacher teach us about the reform of criminal procedure.

viernes, 22 de mayo de 2009

in the future

In 5 years I would like have a definitive and stable work as psychologist. Maybe, I will think about starting a family ... I don’t know yet; I think it too soon for that xD.

Obviously continue playing basketball for the Club Universidad de Chile, if this in not possibly, the idea is find another team where I can continue playing the sport that I love.
In a more intimate context, one of the most recurrent thoughts that I have, regarding my future, is meet the most important personal goals (I'm not going to tell that in this blog) ...
For this goal, I’m not need much time, just I need be patient. This target becomes more feasible with the support of my family.

At first, the idea is to continue living at home with my family, but when I have a stable economic situation, with my sister always have thought about living together in a department (our own bachelorette’s department xD ). The commune where we live is too nice, so if we could find an apartment in the same commune, it would be perfect.

Finally, I don’t like think in an ideal future. I’m happy with my present and, I’m sure that I will be happy in my future

jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009


In my personal opinion, the best character in my field is the great Sigmund Freud; he was born on 6 May of 1856 and died on 23 September of 1939. He was an Austrian psychiatrist and doctor who founded the Psychoanalytic School of psychology.

Freud is best known for his theories of the unconscious mind and the defense mechanism of repression and for creating the clinical practice of psychoanalysis for curing psychopathology through dialogue between a patient and a psychoanalyst.

Freud is also renowned for his redefinition of sexual desire as the primary motivational energy of human life, and the interpretation of dreams as sources of insight into unconscious desires, among others.

I know that many colleagues hate him, and hate his theories and approaches because he based that everything disorders are on the unconscious, but I don’t care what they think or say... I like his way of thinking, maybe not completely, but I’m share that the majority of the disorders are based on the unconscious.

What makes him the best? --> He made that psychology was a science, do you need anything else?

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2009

my career

When I was in 3rd grade I want to study computer engineering because I love math and computing, but in 4th grade I met the school’s psychologist and talking with her, I realized that I loved the career, it was I always wanted … I was identified whit her work.

What do professionals in your area contribute to society? This is a very complicated questions, because the psychologists do too much; by people, by the community, by the organizations (according to my point of view). But I think the most important contribution is to help people who have emotional, cognitive, psychological problems, etc.

I suppose the tools that we need as professionals are:
* have a lot of empathy
* have a good professional training
* have a lot of knowledge
* get along well whit patients
* among others

My favourite subject always it’s changing according the semester.
In my 1st year, I loved the class with the teacher Wilson (general psychology and psychological processes). In 2nd year I loved the class with the teacher Rossi (psychopathology and psychiatry).
And now in my 3rd year I REALLY LOVED FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGY and obviously I like a lot ENGLISH :)

When I finish my studies I like to obtain a Masters in sports psychology. THAT’S MY BIG DREAM

jueves, 30 de abril de 2009

my favourite photo

The photograph I’ve chosen is too special for my. In this picture appear the youngest of my cousins and me.

Well, last year, on vacations, all my family and I went to Coquimbo.

I think my family is a little different; it is composed of my grandmother, my mom, my sister, two aunts and my three cousins. One of them is named Matias, the youngest, my favourite, but this is a secret, because my two other cousins can be jealous xD.

Coming back to the picture, this was taken by my sister on the sofa of the summer house and Matias is over my, specifically on my chest, and he is giving me milk of his feeding-bottle.

I really love it because the image is very tender, also has great sentimental value for me, because Matias is very important person in my life, I love him like a son.
Especially those holidays because I took care of him,
I played with him,
I gave him his food and
I made him sleep every night.
I really felt as if I were his mom

jueves, 23 de abril de 2009

the website that I enjoy

One day I was visiting a lot of web sites, only for fun.
But suddenly I found a page about “psychiatric disorders”.
The name’s page is “Psicomed – DSM IV.”
The link is
If you wanna know how get to this site, you must come to the site of google and put "DSM IV online" and there is it!

This web page it’s so cool... Did I tell you that this page it’s free? Amazing, right?
Did you know that to get the manual of psychiatric disorders you have to pay a lot of money?

It’s so unfair. Fortunately I can found this web site in my leisure time.

Really, it’s a very interesting site; I will recommend it because you can found a lot of information really important for our career´, for our work and future patients.

I really love this site and I visit it very often, especially when I wanna know some disorders associated with my friends and classmates xD

jueves, 9 de abril de 2009

my lovely cell phone

Dear cell phone:
Do you remember when we meet each other? I do; it's was for christmas, two years ago! You made me so happy. Really, you are perfect, because with you I can go to every places... and we can talk to other people, or we can send text
messages, but the best of you is your memory card, because we can save A LOT OF MUSIC!!!...
Honestly, I don't know how my life would be without you!!!!

english and me

Hi, My name es Valentina, I'm 21 years olds and now i'm studying psychology, this is my third year at the university. This semester I took English at level three, sometimes I find it very complicated, but I like this language, so class to class I effort a lot
I like sleep and eat; but my favourite hobby it's play basketball.
I like all kinds of music but I prefer the rap in Spanish